💬 Project inquiries: linhdoan2266@gmail.com

Hoa Hoc Tro Magazine

Journalist and Editor of International Department
📅 Date: September 2014 - December 2017
📚 Area: Journalism, Youth Development
🌎 Country: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
🔑 Keyword: Trend Analysis, Interviewing, News Investigation, Writing


600 articles and new reports

published for the national magazine for teenagers

Co-author of 5 published books

about global education and the impact of technology on the Vietnamese workforces


I became a journalist of Hoa Hoc Tro Magazine – the largest Vietnamese magazine for teenagers (100,000 copies weekly) – after being a champion of Thu Thach Kim Cuong – the competition to find the best journalists across Vietnam.

Since then, I have published more than 600 articles in different news categories, from life coaching, reporting local and global news, politics, and sex education.

From 3/2016, I have been assigned to the position of Editor of the International Department. My ambition with Hoa Hoc Tro magazine is to bring the world to Vietnamese teenagers: raising awareness of world movements and building critical thinking for every teenager in Vietnam.

Moreover, for 3 years working in the magazine, I also published 5 best-selling books about global education and the future of technology in economics and workforces.

Recommendation letter from the senior editor

Sample of writings

What do teenagers around the world do?

Bringing the world to Vietnamese teenagers by reporting news and inspiring stories of teenagers around the world.

Sex education

Teenagers did not have proper sex education in Vietnam due to the stigma related to sex and gender. Therefore, I collaborated with doctors and hospitals to provide sex education for teenagers through fun and comprehensive articles.

Social media analysis

Social media is a big part of young people’s lives. In this category, I wrote articles to analyze the secret behind social platforms, raise awareness about privacy on media, and provide guidance on how to use social media in the best ways.


The secret behind reaction buttons on Facebook – how our information is exploited, and how to control that.

Global News Investigation

In this category, I informed young people what was currently happening in the world, and what the lessons learned from the event.

Article name: The real price behind “free download:” Plagiarism, illegibility, and negative habits. 


Are generation X and Z the “lazy” generation? 


Did Leonardo DiCaprio really chase after the Oscar? We need a new type of motivation in this globalized world.


Are we normalizing sexual abuse? 


1. Hoc Gi De Dan Dau – How to be a leader in the industry 4.0?


Ray Kurzweil in his book – The Singularity Is Near – said that “We won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century—it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today’s rate).” 

Under the development of technology, Vietnam has been slowly transforming from an agricultural country into a manufacturing and technological country. Globalization has accelerated the process of transformation in this country. However, education has not “caught up” with the pace of development. Vietnamese young people lack of necessary skills and mindsets to be successful in a globalized world. Therefore, this book is a collaboration between writers, educators, policymakers, and business owners to provide young people with a big picture of Vietnam in the next 10 years and a guideline on how teenagers can be successful in the job markets

2. Nuoc My Trong Tam Tay – Achieving the United States.


A guideline for every student who wants to study abroad in the U.S: What the education system in the U.S, steps to apply for colleges, profiles of successful students who get admitted to the top universities, what students need to prepare before studying abroad… 

3. Nhat Ban Co Dieu Ki Dieu – The miracles in Japan


A guideline for every student who wants to study abroad in Japan: the Japanese culture, its educational system, steps to apply for colleges, how to master Japanese, profiles of successful students who get admitted to the top universities, what students need to prepare before going to Japan… 

4. Go Cua Chau Au – Exploring Europe


A guideline for every student who wants to study abroad in Europe: the culture of each country in Europe, the European educational system, steps to apply for colleges, profiles of successful students who get admitted to the top universities, what students need to prepare before going to Europe…

5. Di gan de hoc xa – Studying in Southeast Asia


A guideline for every student who wants to study abroad in Southeast Asia: the culture of each country in this area, the educational system of each country, steps to apply for colleges, profiles of successful students who get admitted to the top universities, what students need to prepare before studying abroad…